SLU Sparks

SLU Sparks: Recognize Those Who Ignite Excellence 

Have you spotted a colleague going above and beyond? Have you ever wanted to give someone a gold star? You now have the opportunity to make it official!

SLU Sparks is an immediate, outlet for peer-to-peer recognition. The inspiration for the name comes from the Jesuit phrase “Go forth and set the world on fire”. We want you to recognize the people who light a spark in you through their actions.

Click here to learn more and submit a SLU Spark. 

SLU Sparks Recognition Kits
SLU faculty and staff can also show appreciation for your colleagues with a physical SLU Sparks note. SLU Sparks recognition kits, which include SLU Sparks branded cards, postcards, and notepads, are available for faculty and staff to purchase. Click here to learn more about SLU Sparks recognition kits.

Joey Pieper Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Joey Pieper, ITS-Customer Service, who received a SLU Spark! Joey was recognized by Maureen Wikete Lee, School of Education, for serving others.

"Joey goes above and beyond to assist faculty with IT issues. Most recently, he provided essential support during a presentation to international faculty visiting campus. I was so thankful for his quick work which allowed me to continue moving forward with the presentation until the tech issues were resolved. He is always calm and efficient which make as big difference when unanticipated issues arise during a presentation. Thank you so much!!!"

Katrina Butler Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Katrina Butler, Center for Advanced Dental Education, who received a SLU Spark! Katrina was recognized by Daniel Kilfoy, ITS-Division Administration, for serving others.

"Kitty has been instrumental in getting our new Pediatric Dentistry program operational. Through her daily interactions with patients and referring offices, she shows true compassion for the patients that we treat. Many of our young patients have special needs and require great patience and a caring attitude; Kitty always goes above and beyond to help them and their families get everything they need from our clinic. Kitty is the definition of what a clinic supervisor should be and we are all very grateful for her work."

Bryan Sokol Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Bryan Sokol, Center for Service/Community Engagement, who received a SLU Spark! Bryan was recognized by Peter Garvin, Public Safety, for serving others.

"We were having our Staff Advisory Committee, End of the Year BBQ celebration, when we ran out of plates. Being next to the pools by the CGC, I immediately knew an office I could approach in the CGC. I briskly walked next door, entering Bryan Sokol's office, obviously surprising him seeing a DPS uniform entering his office so quickly. Bryan asked what was wrong and I simply told him our dilemma. Bryan graciously offered me an unopened stack of paper plates from his office while suggesting my entrance into his office was not initially received as one with such a simple request in mind. It was within minutes I had to return as we ran out of forks. Again, Bryan helped the SAC to avoid a "messy" disaster of running out of utensils! Thanks Bryan!"

Jim Greathouse Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Jim Greathouse, HR Learning & Development, who received a SLU Spark! Jim was recognized by Carol Murphy, Arts & Sciences, for serving others.

"I wanted to express my appreciation to you for navigating the process of providing the photo of Fr. Ted Vitali to the Philosophy Department. Heidi Moore shared some of the email exchanges with me and when Fr. V's picture was attached to the last one, I realized how much work you did behind the scenes. Thanks for always being so willing to help us with any quest we are on. Your quick response is most appreciated. You are someone we can always count on!"

Congratulations to those Celebrating Milestone Service Anniversaries!

We would like to congratulate those who are celebrating 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 years of service in June and July 2017.
Thank you for your service at SLU!

40 Years
  • Paul R. Braun 
  • Bernard Feinberg, M.D.
  • John M. Griesbach, J.D.
  • Rodney H. Lusk, M.D.
  • Linda A. Sheahan 
  • Catherine M. Zimmer 
35 Years

  • Michael A. Graham, M.D.
  • Anthony J. Scalzo, M.D.

30 Years
  • Jeffrey L. Chenoweth, M.D.
  • Thomas L. Greaney, J.D.
  • Richard L. Horton, Jr.
  • Jerome A. Katz, Ph.D.
  • John R. McGowan, Ph.D.
  • Alan M. Weinberger, J.D.
25 Years
  • Gary M. Albers, M.D.
  • Oscar A. Cruz, M.D.
  • Philip R. Gavitt, Ph.D.
  • Jeffrey D. Gfeller, Ph.D.
  • Rebecca M. Grubb 
  • Beverly Hoover 
  • Mark E. Murray
  • Carol Needham, J.D. 
  • William L. Siler, Ph.D.
  • William S. Stark, Ph.D.
20 Years
  • Vijai V. Chauhan, M.D.
  • David P. Dempsher, M.D., Ph.D.
  • Jay P. Haugen
  • Mark R. Konsewicz 
  • Mourad Halim 
  • Susan E. Hoffstetter, Ph.D.
  • Julie A. Howe
  • Kimberly A. Malone 
  • Jane McHowat, Ph.D.
  • Dawn A. Schwartz
  • Stacie L. Thebeau
  • Craig Thompson   
  • Lena M. Titley
  • Laura M. Waldman
  • Angela R. Watson   
15 Years
  • Aninda B. Acharya, M.D.
  • Darweshi C. Amerson
  • Connie D. Anderson, Ph.D. 
  • Sharon K. Aubuschon 
  • Steven W. Buckner, Ph.D.
  • Karen A. Caudill, M.D.
  • Ann M. Conaty 
  • Qiang Fu, Ph.D.
  • Jane L. Gillespie
  • Jesus C. Gonzalez
  • Nicole Green 
  • Cheri L. Greer 
  • Amy B. Harkins, Ph.D.
  • Falethia Hawthorne 
  • Michelle L. LeMatty
  • Susan L'Engle, Ph.D. 
  • Tina J. Luster 
  • Ana M. Montero, Ph.D.
  • Theresa M. Paeltz 
  • Manoj S. Patankar, Ph.D.
  • Grayson A. Rasnic
  • Jeronimo M. Rosales
  • Nil Santianez, Ph.D.
  • Kathleen M. Spranaitis  
  • Richard J. Wray, Ph.D. 
10 Years
  • Michael S. Bakale
  • Deepika Bhatla, M.D.
  • Sheryl D. Bicklein
  • Matthew T. Bodie, J.D.
  • Kathryn A. Coulson 
  • Joan M. Dalton
  • Antoinette Dean  
  • Richard J. DiPaolo, Ph.D.
  • Donna M. Duberg
  • Michael J. Forsberg, M.D.
  • Marcia A. Goldsmith, J.D.
  • Darin S. Hendrickson 
  • Mary T. Holtmann
  • Lisa A. Jones 
  • Samuel P. Jordan, J.D. 
  • Kathleen O. Kienstra
  • Jennifer J. Lowe
  • Ryan D. McCulla, Ph.D.
  • Edward O. Moreland 
  • Daniel J. Naughton, M.D.
  • Barbara P. Owens 
  • Amy R. Pennington
  • Christine M. Pudlowski
  • Elaine C. Siegfried, M.D.
  • Mary H. Sneed 
  • Reema Syed
  • Ankisa Taylor 
  • Barbara J. Underwood  
  • Barbara L. Valentine
  • Sarah L. Woodward  
5 Years
  • Getahun Abate, M.D., Ph.D.
  • Karl E. Aldrich 
  • Alison M. Alpert, M.D.
  • Brad Bernstein, M.D.
  • Camilia Brown
  • Thomas Y. Cho, Ph.D.
  • Erika I. Cohn, J.D.
  • Julie DeKinder 
  • Lisa A. Durako
  • Emily A. Fite, M.D.
  • Yosef J. Greenspon, M.D.
  • Barbara M. Gregory 
  • Zafar A. Jamkhana, M.D.
  • Rotimi O. Johnson, M.D.
  • William P. Johnson, J.D.
  • Kisa L. Jones 
  • Sandra L. Kaltenbach 
  • Abhay Kumar, M.D.
  • Mary K. Laffey
  • Katherine J. Mathews, M.D.
  • Monica M. Matthieu, Ph.D.
  • Jessica C. Miles
  • Teri K. Monken 
  • Kelly C. Mulholland, J.D.
  • Sandra R. Naeger
  • Soophia K. Naydenov, M.D.
  • Nancy M. Nguyen
  • Kimberly J. Pickett 
  • Martin Reis, M.D.
  • Sara A. Scholtes, Ph.D., D.P.T.
  • Vilaas Shetty, M.D.
  • Jacinda L. Smith 
  • Lei Tang 
  • Kara Tripoli  
  • Stewart Wirth  
To learn more about SLU's service award recognition program, click here.

Shawn McCaw Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Shawn McCaw, Student Financial Services, who received a SLU Spark! Shawn was recognized by Jamie Motley, Student Educational Services, for serving others.

"Thank you for being a wonderful advocate for TRIO-Student Support Services! I knew when an SSS advisee of mine e-mailed me today with the subject heading, "Shawn McCaw Experience" and the first word in the body of the message was "Wow!", that you had somehow made this young woman's day. I also knew when I first made the referral that she would be in caring, competent hands. Her message made me smile, and your efforts made the difference!"

Jeremy Nagle Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Jeremy Nagle, Arts & Sciences, who received a SLU Spark! Jeremy was recognized by Becky Ball, Arts & Sciences, for pursuing excellence.

"Thanks for everything you are doing with the new website! Your efforts ensure that the transition goes smoothly. I have witnessed you going above and beyond and for that we are grateful!"

Danielle Lacey Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Danielle Lacey, Marcom-Design Services, who received a SLU Spark! Danielle was recognized by Jeremy Nagle, Arts & Sciences, for pursuing excellence.

"Hi Danielle! Thank you so much for helping me with the OU Campus site. I really appreciate you taking the time to train me on some things."

Arathi Srikanta Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Arathi Srikanta, Campus Recreation, who received a SLU Spark! Arathi was recognized by Peter Garvin, Public Safety, for showing compassion.

"I have had an opportunity to work with and be in different training seminars with Arathi and she is has demonstrated an authentic care and concern for all members of our SLU community. I have witnessed her endeavors in Suicide Prevention and Sexual Assault Awareness and training and her altruism and passion for these causes were evident. I could have easily chosen the "Serving others" and "Strengthening our community" categories as well since she examples those characteristics as well. Thanks for what you do and being you Arathi!"

Patrick Cousins Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Patrick Cousins, Campus Ministry, who received a SLU Spark! Patrick was recognized by Peter Garvin, Public Safety, for strengthening our community.

"I have had an opportunity to chat with and be in different training seminars with Patrick and have been moved and inspired by his genuineness.  He continuously demonstrates his care and concern for everyone in our SLU community.  I have participated and supported his endeavors in raising awareness and support through training with the Safe Zone and ally development programs and his desire to recognize and include all members of our community is most evident.  I could have just as easily chosen "Serving others," "Showing compassion" or even "Driving Change & Innovation" as categories as he fits those principles as well.  Thanks for what you do and being you Patrick!"

Michelle Holtmann Received a SLU Spark

Congratulations to Michelle Holtmann, Electronic Health Records, who received a SLU Spark! Michelle was recognized by Kovy Young, Electronic Health Records, for serving others.

"Good job voluntarily helping others with build tasks. I appreciate hearing about your efforts from others. If they didn't say thank you then, I'd like to say thank you now. Keep up the good work."

Margo Lubus Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Margo Lubus, Athletics, who received a SLU Spark! Margo was recognized by Chris May, Athletics, for strengthening our community.

"Great work on the 38th annual golf tournament Margo!  Your work to organize it will ensure it's a successful event.  Go Billikens!  Win the Moment!"

Roy Tippett Received a SLU Spark

Congratulations to Roy Tippett, Athletics, who received a SLU Spark! Roy was recognized by Chris May, Athletics, for strengthening our community.

"Great job supporting our student-athletes at they planned and executed this year's SLUspys!  The event was great.  I appreciate the work you do to support our student-athletes!  #WTM"

Becky Ball Received a SLU Spark

Congratulations to Becky Ball, Admin. Arts & Sciences, who received a SLU Spark! Becky was recognized by Jeremy Nagle, Admin. Arts & Sciences, for serving others.

"Thank you for all you do in the college. I appreciate you taking on the challenge of extra job duties."

Ellen Barnidge Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Ellen Barnidge, Behavioral Science and Health Education, who received a SLU Spark! Ellen was recognized by Donna Halloran, Pediatrics, for serving others.

"Dr. Barnidge translates her work on social determinants of health into the clinical setting.  She has developed a program so that we screen ALL our families for food insecurity.  After much feet dragging, I am now doing so and identified my first mom last week.  Her work meets all the SLU Sparks categories.  My patients and families are blessed to have her working to improve my performance as a physician and their lives!"

Natalie Sevener Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Natalie Sevener, Admin. Nursing, who received a SLU Spark! Natalie was recognized by Jessica Passow, Admin. Nursing, for serving others.

"Natalie consistently offers help to others.  She stops what she is doing at a moment's notice to assist anyone whether it is to meet a deadline or to expedite a process.  Her efforts are swift and worthy. Her enthusiasm and dedication are valued assets in the School of Nursing."

Molly Thompson Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Molly Thompson, CSB-Career Resources, who received a SLU Spark! Molly was recognized by Allison Roba, CSB-Career Resources, for showing compassion.

"Molly has a deep level of understanding, empathy and compassion for the students she serves. In the time that I have worked with her, I have seen first-hand her caring and thoughtful approach has benefited the MBA students at the John Cook School of Business. Her compassionate actions has also resulted in solidarity not only with her students but also with fellow staff and faculty."

Diane Devine Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Diane Devine, Career Services, who received a SLU Spark! Diane was recognized by Jordan Waddy, Career Services, for pursuing excellence.

"Di is the only member on our team who is a SLU Alum. Her experience with SLU as a former student has really helped us better serve our students. Di has a passion for SLU and the SLU community, which helps to ensure that we are incorporating the mission into our work. She is very hard-working, and is always striving to be better than she was the day before. She is eager to learn and to immerse herself in her student population. She has aided a lot in our programming and is always thinking of ways to better serve students. Di is a wonderful member of our team!"

Chandra Piper Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Chandra Piper, Career Services, who received a SLU Spark! Chandra was recognized by Jordan Waddy, Career Services, for pursuing excellence.

"Chandra is one of the most student-focused people that I know. She ensures that students are receiving the best service when working with them. She is orderly, organized, and helps ensure our office is upholding our ethical and professional standards. She strives to continuously improve herself, even though she already does amazing work! Chandra has built very meaningful relationships with her students and faculty, which have led to very successful programming!"

LaDonna Utley Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to LaDonna Utley, Career Services, who received a SLU Spark! LaDonna was recognized by Jordan Waddy, Career Services, for pursuing excellence.

"Our office would not function without LaDonna. Words cannot express how thankful we are to have her on our team. Her calm and gentle demeanor has helped make our department successful. She is always available to solve any problem and lend a helping hand. She is a wonderful professional and a wonderful person. I cannot imagine our office without her and I look forward to working with her in the future!"

Meghan Hunt Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Meghan Hunt, Career Services, who received a SLU Spark! Meghan was recognized by Jordan Waddy, Career Services, for pursuing excellence.

"In Meg's short time with Career Services, she has brought a lot of positive energy and excitement. She truly exemplifies the idea of having a fun job. She never complains, and is always willing to problem- solve. Her smile and laughter is contagious and she is always sending best wishes to everyone in the department. She is a great listener and a wonderful person to collaborate with! I am so glad that Meg is a member of our team."

Megan Shaffer Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Megan Shaffer, Career Services, who received a SLU Spark! Megan was recognized by Jordan Waddy, Career Services, for pursuing excellence.

"Megan has worked at SLU for years, but recently joined Career Services. She has truly hit the ground running. She is very open to feedback and extremely innovative with problem-solving. She has a very calm demeanor and she is always thinking of new ideas. Megan is extremely intelligent and an absolute joy to work with! I look forward to working with her in the years to come!"

Fay Ellatif Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Fay Ellatif, Shared Services, who received a SLU Spark! Fay was recognized by Toni Dean, Facilities Services, for pursuing excellence.

"Fay is such a hardworker.  Even when she leaves campus at the end of the day or on her days off, she is still working for the benefit of Saint Louis University.  Her number one priority is doing her job to the absolute best of her ability and in the best interest of the University.  Fay is extremely smart, talented and thorough.  She never gives up and will see a task to the end and won't settle until it is exactly "balanced" and perfect in every way.  She is such an asset to SLU and to all her colleagues.  I would like to recognize her with this Spark for being a great example of the Jesuit Identity of pursuing excellence and serving others.  Love you Fay!!!!!!"

Jordan Waddy Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Jordan Waddy, Career Services, who received a SLU Spark! Jordan was recognized by Allison Roba, CSB-Career Resources, for pursuing excellence.

"Jordan has been a tremendous asset to the Cook School of Business since her arrival. She is flexible in her approach with students and has an ability to know how to assist them in career development process. She is constantly seeking ways to improve her skills in order to benefit our student population and it shows!"

Toni Dean Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Toni Dean, Facilities Services, who received a SLU Spark! Toni was recognized by Brooks Goedeker, Facilities Services, for serving others.

"Toni is always upbeat, hard working, and willing to help whomever it may be.  She is truly the definition of a team player.  Toni already has a lot on her plate and even more put on it daily, but she never demonstrates signs of frustration or takes it out on others.  She is a constant source of knowledge and dependability for the Facilities Department.  Since I have come to SLU, she has been extremely warm, welcoming, and is always willing to answer questions and lend a helping hand.  She is truly the example of SLU and the Jesuit's mission of serving others."

Laura Dailey Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Laura Dailey, Pre-Health & Pre-Law Studies, who received a SLU Spark! Laura was recognized by Eva Gonzales, Pre-Health & Pre-Law Studies, for strengthening our community.

"Laura's position (Assist Director) was eliminated in March. This was a traumatic change for her professionally and personally as she prepares to welcome her first baby soon. She remained on our team by accepting an entry level Advisor position and continues to perform all tasks as needed using her experience and goes more than an Extra Mile to serve our students. Laura exhibits exceptionally positive attitude and remains a REMARKABLE team player supporting SLU mission. I am offering my genuine appreciation for her selfless commitment to SLU. Laura, you truly deserve Fireworks of Sparks!"

Rachel Millinger Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Rachel Millinger, Office of Research Integrity, who received a SLU Spark! Rachel was recognized by Annamaria Szakonyi, ITS-Enterprise Resources, for serving others.

"Rachel is one of the most compassionate, hard working colleagues I've ever encountered during my professional career. She thrives for excellence in every aspect of her job, not only focusing on her own and department's goals and priorities, but also assisting others in the process. She's provided a helping hand to me and my customers to solve issues multiple times during our work together, going above and beyond the standard. During these past few months, her dedication to SLU has been exemplified in her efforts and commitment to others. She demonstrates sound judgement in every hard situation and decision. Her motivation, curiosity and wit makes you want to perform at your best. She has been an outstanding partner and a supportive, sympathetic and trusted ally for many years. Her efforts and the personal touch in our interactions makes me feel like a valued member of the SLU community. Without her, my everyday efforts at SLU would be missing that spark. Thank you, Rachel, for these amazing years of working together. Looking forward to more to come."

Brittany Ludwig Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Brittany Ludwig, CSB-Undergraduate Advising Services, who received a SLU Spark! Brittany was recognized by Libby Gallogly, Consultant and Client Services, for serving others.

"I want to recognize Brittany for diligently serving and making an impact on the students she interacts with each day. It has been a few years since I graduated, and I still think about the impact Brittany had on my student experience at SLU. She is a great listener and is invested in her students' success. Thank you for all you do!"

Tonya Bland Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Tonya Bland, Family and Community Medicine, who received a SLU Spark! Tonya was recognized by Kathy Vogt, PMO-Billing Operations, for serving others. 

"Tonya was on vacation when my daughter needed to get in and see a surgeon. She took the time to work on her day off calling around surgical clinics and was able to get my child fitted into Dr. Kraemer's schedule the following day. She knew just how emotional I was, as the parent of my daughter needing to see a specialist because she had possibly broken/fractured three fingers and needed to be seen quickly. We were the first patient seen the next day and surgery was needed. I want to commend Tonya for her compassion and understanding of what a fellow colleague needed for her child. While I could have chosen compassion for this spark because she has that as well but I chose serving others because I know she would do the same for anyone through her daily work."

Bruce Pratte Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Bruce Pratte, Facilities Management, who received a SLU Spark! Bruce was recognized by Amelia Blanton Hibner, Instruction-Social Work, for showing compassion.

"Today was an admitted students day for prospective SLU students. As Bruce was driving around campus on his golf cart he encountered the father and sister, who has autism, of a prospective student. The sister had limited mobility and could not walk long distances. After talking with them, Bruce drove his cart to the BSC to find some admissions staff to have them come and pick the father and daughter up. He went back and spoke with the father and daughter more while they waited on an admissions golf cart. After waiting for a bit, he drove back to the BSC to check on the status of the golf cart for them. The admissions staff eventually came and arranged a golf cart tour of campus for the family. Bruce went out of his way to serve this family and show compassion to them. They spoke so highly of him and how kind he was and he truly deserves to be recognized for this!"

SLU Night at the Ballpark with the Gateway Grizzlies

Take in a close-up, personal baseball experience and support SLU in the process! The Gateway Grizzlies are partnering with SLU's new Pediatric Dental Clinic, which provides oral care for children with special needs, by offering discounted ticket prices, a portion of which will support the clinic. The game will be on June 24 at 7pm. Purchase tickets here and use the code SLUNIGHT.

This is an experience you won't forget. If you've never been to the Gateway Grizzlies Ballpark, this is your perfect opportunity. Click here to view the flyer with more information. For questions, contact Wendy Schlesinger, development officer in Corporate and Foundation Relations, at 

Fine & Performing Arts Partners with Prison Performing Arts

Throughout the summer, SLU Theatre undergoes a joint project with Prison Performing Arts. Theatre faculty and students work with Prison Performing Arts and the women's prison in Vandalia, MO to create a new version of the Greek tragedy, ANTIGONE. SLU Theatre then produces this jointly-created adaptation for the first production of its 2017-2018 season. The production opens in October.

For questions, contact Lucy Cashion, Co-Director and assistant professor in Fine and Performing Arts at or visit the U Theatre website.

Congratulations, Matthew!

Congratulations to Matthew Mancini, professor in American Studies on his retirement. Matt is retiring on June 30 after 17 years at SLU.

2017 Grueber Award Winners Announced

On April 18, the Center for International Studies announced the recipients of this year's Grueber Award.  The 2017 honorees include: Dr. Ajlina Karamehic-Muratovic, assistant professor of Sociology; Lori Turner Corzine, administrative secretary in the Center for International Studies; Rosemary Bornstein, SLU undergraduate student; and Samuel Shreve, SLU undergraduate student.

The Grueber Awards for Globalization at Saint Louis University have been awarded annually since 2010 to current or former members of the SLU community who share in the innovative and daring spirit of Johann Grueber, an early Jesuit, who made and recorded the first overland trek from China to India by a European. The winners of the Grueber awards are recognized for advancing the international and global mission of Saint Louis University.

From left to right: Sam Shreve, Rosemary Bornstein, Lori Turner Corzine, Dr. Ajlina Karamehic-Muratovic, and Dr. David Borgmeyer, Assistant Professor and Director of the Center for International Studies.

Congratulations, Lisa!

Congratulations to Lisa Brooks, Research Assistant, Sr. in Comparative Medicine, and husband Thomas Tempel, on their marriage. Lisa and Thomas will be married on June 2 in Riviera Maya Mexico.

Dannielle Davis Builds Library for Local Agency

On December 21, Dr. Dannielle Davis, Associate Professor in Leadership and Higher Education, supplied the library of the The Near Southside Employment Coalition. Through partial funding from a SLU Community Engagement Grant, Dr. Davis provided books to supply the agency's first library.

Dr. Davis presenting books for the agency's new library to community partners.

Dannielle Davis Founds the Circle of Excellence Math and Science Academy

Dr. Dannielle Davis, Associate Professor in Leadership and Higher Education, founded the Circle of Excellence Math and Science Academy in University City.  The group is made up of boys in 2nd-4th grade in the St. Louis Area. Dr. Davis meets weekly with the Circle of Excellence boys to prepare them for various math and science competitions. Since January, participants have competed in two math contests (one locally and one at the national level). The program offers year round math and science enrichment for the boys, as well as guest speakers in varied STEM fields. The goal of the program is to improve STEM preparation and educational access for the participants.

Dr. Davis coaching Circle of Excellence participants in math.

Dr. Davis (Right), Pamela Blair, and Members of the Circle of Excellence Boys Team
On April 3, the participants in the Circle of Excellence Math and Science Academy, presented a poster they helped create at the SLU North St. Louis Symposium, hosted by the division of Diversity & Community Engagement.

Circle of Excellence boys presenting a poster they helped create at the SLU North St. Louis Symposium.

Billiken BOT

On April 8, the SLU student chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers made up of both students and faculty hosted more than 60 Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts on campus for the Billiken BOT event.  37 Boy Scouts got to build light sensing robots, with the help of the SLU students and compete on a track.

ITS SaLUting You Recipients

Congratulations to the following members of ITS for being recognized with the "SaLUting You" award.

  • March 2017: Bob Aitken, Report Developer, ITS-Enterprise Resources
  • April 2017: Eric Van Deven, Application Systems Analyst, ITS-Enterprise Resources
The program is meant to promote and formally reward employees’ contributions to the overall objectives of ITS. As part of the program, one employee is chosen from nominations each month to receive the “SaLUting You” award. The award is designed to recognize employees for excellence in customer service, financial efficiency, and creative ingenuity.