Tom Harashe Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Tom Harashe, Facilities Management, who received a SLU Spark! Tom was recognized by Grayson Rasnic, Facilities Management, for pursuing excellence.

"Tom has gone out of his way to cover more buildings and shoulder a heavier workload with our current staff shortage. He has really stepped up his performance."

Nanette Parris Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Nanette Parris, Curricular Affairs, who received a SLU Spark! Nanette was recognized by Jim Greathouse, Human Resources, for serving others.

"Every day, Nanette is on the front lines helping students, faculty, and staff with their needs whether it is related to facilities or in general. Nanette is not only willing to help with the question at hand but to dig deeper to make sure even the unasked questions I don't think of or know to ask are answered. Nanette has a way of making you her #1 customer each time. I truly appreciate the spark Nanette ignites in serving others."

Joey Pieper Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Joey Pieper, ITS-Customer Service, who received a SLU Spark! Joey was recognized by Caleb Hopkins, Leadership & Higher Education, for serving others.

"Joey was very helpful in helping me set up a webinar that was broadcast to many participants. He made sure I understood everything before leaving. I could not have done this without his help."

Jason Grubb Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Jason Grubb, ITS-Customer Service, who received a SLU Spark! Jason was recognized by Kay Bopp, Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, for serving others.

"Jason goes above and beyond to help when you have a question or a problem.  As soon as he is notified of a problem he gets to you ASAP.  He explains what the problem was and how he fixed.  He is very kind, helpful and very knowledgeable.  I'm very happy to know he has our back when we have a computer problem.  He is the best!!!!!!"

Haroon Iqbal Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Haroon Iqbal, ITS-Customer Service, who received a SLU Spark! Horoon was recognized by Debie Lohe, Reinert Ctr Transformative Teaching, for serving others.

"Haroon provides tech support to faculty and staff in the Pius Libraries, which means he also supports the Reinert Center staff. Haroon always goes above and beyond in serving others. Earlier this summer, my SLU laptop died. It went dark, mid-type, and nothing I could do would revive it. It was late on a Thursday afternoon, and of course, I was about to leave for a week at a conference. Haroon quickly made sure I had a temporary laptop, worked speedily with the vendor to get a replacement part, and had my laptop working by the following Monday. When I returned from my trip, the laptop worked perfectly, and I did not lose any files. This is just one example of many. Haroon always responds quickly, explains things thoroughly, and makes sure we have what we need to do our work. Thanks to individuals like Haroon, SLU functions smoothly and efficiently.  The entire Reinert Center team is grateful for the service he provides."

Chandra Piper Received a SLU Spark!

Congratulations to Chandra Piper, Career Services, who received a SLU Spark! Chandra was recognized by Kim Reitter, Career Services, for pursuing excellence.

"Chandra is excellent at everything she does for the department. She is an outstanding career counselor who is sought after by her students, and she is always eager to take on new projects.  Chandra is currently working on a handout for our student veterans on developing a professional resume from their military experience.  Through this project, she is thorough and detailed, considering how students will best learn from the suggestions.  Chandra is able to build outstanding relationships with other members of the University, particularly faculty.  Her ongoing commitment to her work and Career Services shows what an outstanding employee she is as she works each day in the pursue of excellence!"