"LaDonna is an excellent and outstanding member of the Career Services team. As the front line staff member, she is always friendly and eager to help anyone who enters the Student Success Center. Committed to excellence, she is usually one step ahead of everyone else to make sure tasks are accomplished in an efficient and timely manner. Good at problem solving, she manages the student workers, handling scheduling and training issues with an easy-going and calm manner. Always striving for excellence, LaDonna is an essential member of the team!"
Pages Based on Labels
LaDonna Utley Received a SLU Spark!
Congratulations to LaDonna Utley, Career Services, who received a SLU Spark! LaDonna was recognized by Kim Reitter, Career Services, for pursuing excellence.
"LaDonna is an excellent and outstanding member of the Career Services team. As the front line staff member, she is always friendly and eager to help anyone who enters the Student Success Center. Committed to excellence, she is usually one step ahead of everyone else to make sure tasks are accomplished in an efficient and timely manner. Good at problem solving, she manages the student workers, handling scheduling and training issues with an easy-going and calm manner. Always striving for excellence, LaDonna is an essential member of the team!"
"LaDonna is an excellent and outstanding member of the Career Services team. As the front line staff member, she is always friendly and eager to help anyone who enters the Student Success Center. Committed to excellence, she is usually one step ahead of everyone else to make sure tasks are accomplished in an efficient and timely manner. Good at problem solving, she manages the student workers, handling scheduling and training issues with an easy-going and calm manner. Always striving for excellence, LaDonna is an essential member of the team!"