Congratulations to Bruce Pratte, Facilities Management, who received a SLU Spark! Bruce was recognized by Amelia Blanton Hibner, Instruction-Social Work, for showing compassion.
"Today was an admitted students day for prospective SLU students. As Bruce was driving around campus on his golf cart he encountered the father and sister, who has autism, of a prospective student. The sister had limited mobility and could not walk long distances. After talking with them, Bruce drove his cart to the BSC to find some admissions staff to have them come and pick the father and daughter up. He went back and spoke with the father and daughter more while they waited on an admissions golf cart. After waiting for a bit, he drove back to the BSC to check on the status of the golf cart for them. The admissions staff eventually came and arranged a golf cart tour of campus for the family. Bruce went out of his way to serve this family and show compassion to them. They spoke so highly of him and how kind he was and he truly deserves to be recognized for this!"