Congratulations to Annamaria Szakonyi, Vice President for Research, who received a SLU Spark! Annamaria was nominated by Rachel Millinger, Office of Research Integrity, for showing compassion.
"It is difficult to pick one spark category for Annamaria Szakonyi, because she qualifies for several. She is dedicated to excellence in her work, and she works in service of others, as well as a great product. But one of the most important things that I appreciate about Annamaria is her compassion for others. She shows compassion to everyone- her colleagues, our software vendors, and our customers. She is genuine and accepting, and those qualities in a team member are invaluable. There is something special about her warmth and friendliness. It's hard to put her many contributions into words, but she is a tenacious and trusted partner, and our eIRB system is better for it. Thank you for all that you do, Annamaria!"