Congratulations to Chantel Payne, Surgery-DOB, who received a SLU Spark! Chantel was recognized by Linda Postula, Surgery-DOB, for showing compassion.
"I received a call today from a patient's daughter. The woman told me her father was being seen at our new location, 6400 Clayton Rd. Once her Dad had been taken back it became too painful for the daughter to sit in the chair. The woman was having a lot of discomfort, as she has a history of back issues. Chantel noticed the woman's discomfort and asked if she could do anything to help. The woman asked if it would be ok if she went to her car and waited for her Dad, and she would come back in at whatever time they told her. Chantel asked her where she was parked, and the woman stated she was in the parking garage. Chantel told her that would not be necessary, and she would bring her father to the car when he was done with the appointment. The daughter was most grateful as she said you don't find that kind of customer service anymore. Kudos to Chantel for showing kindness and compassion to a family member, and for noticing this woman's discomfort as she was waiting for her Dad. Thank you Chantel for all you do and the kindness you displayed."